Tuesday 23rd June

Good morning Brainstorms. How was your night? Yesterday was National Windrush Day 2020.

On June 22nd 1948, the ship HMT Empire Windrush landed at Tilbury docks in East London bringing over 1000 people. Based on the name of the ship, this first wave of migration became known as the Windrush generation and over half a million people came to the UK to provide much needed skills and labour following World War II. 

Here’s what we did in school:

Here are today’s tasks:

First, let’s warm up the whole body so our brains are ready to function well.

Maths – Calculate the area of triangles.

If you know how to calculate the area of a rectangle (base x height), you can find the area of a triangle with no problems!

The area of a triangle is always half the area of a rectangle that has the same height and width.

This is because a triangle can always fit into a rectangle twice, no matter the shape of the triangle.


English: – Analysing playscripts

Plays are written to be performed. A script is a written version of the play.

Watch this clip to understand the basic structure of a play script.


Geography: Florida

Where is Florida?

Florida is situated at the south-east corner of the United States of America (or USA) and is surrounded by water on three sides, making it a peninsula. It is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the east and south, and the Gulf of Mexico to the west.


Art: Rock Paper Scissors – I wonder what this week’s task is! Let’s find out! Follow the link below: